Friday, September 17, 2010

So Far, So Painful

As some of you know last year my husband severely sprained his ankle. He tripped over the step in our garage out in WA and stretched the ligaments on both sides of his ankle. Well they never healed properly. Yesterday, Thursday September 16th, Richard went in for surgery. The doctor made a cut about 3 inches long right below they ankle bone. He sewed the ligaments back together using fiber wire. Now it's been one day and my poor husband is sitting on the couch in pain. He has to wear a walking boot for 10 days. Then he'll visit the Doc and have the stitches removed and then be put into a regular cast for another 3 weeks. 28 consecutive days of convalescent leave.

 Thank you everyone for your prayers and support. It means the world to us. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hello My Name Is..Earl

Everyone in CT is wondering is Earl going to change course? And How bad is it going to be? I myself am debating on whether evacuating or not would be beneficial. I've been through a few hurricanes and have never evacuated. So has Richard, my husband. I'm all for being prepared. My motto: "I'd rather look stupid and be prepared or be stupid and not have done anything.". And that statement couldn't be more true.

What harm is it to stock up on some non-perishables, medical supplies, water, batteries, flashlights etc.? Then come across the day when something big strikes, and have the possibility of being evacuated or worse, stranded without supplies. I don't see that as stupidity. An ounce of prevention yadda yadda yadda so the saying goes. Those of you who know it feel free to fill in. My husband wasn't too keen on the idea of preparing for this so-called hurricane. He's from FL and lived through many, many storms. So of course he would be the expert. Until I pointed out the flooding in March and the various confirmed tornadoes that have touched down in recent months. Then he changed his tune. I told him, "I would rather look stupid in stocking up, than to be stupid and not have prepared at all.".

Sorry about the grammar mistakes.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Leave Me Alone Please!

My son, Seamus, has started taking showers on his own a few days ago. He loves it! He feels free and in charge. The day it started was, let's just say hysterical and a little bit of empty nest syndrome. I turned the water on and told Seamus to get in. He did and immediately washed his hair. 15 minutes later I thought to myself; Wow this kid is taking a long time... So I venture in and pop my head in the shower.  "Seamus, grab the soap and was your body.", Seamus grabs the soap, "Okay mommy, can you please leave now?". I was crushed but I thought it was hilarious. Here my four year old son is grown enough to kick his own mother out of the shower and demand privacy! I didn't take it to heart, I knew my little boy was turning into my little man.

Heartbreak and fulfillment

Whew! What a whirlwind week it has been. Last Sunday we headed over to my grandparents house for the afternoon. It was insatiably relaxing. My grandparents who are in their 80's adore spending time with their great grandchildren. Monday and Tuesday were spent catching up on back to school shopping and soccer practice. Then came Wednesday, that's when the heartbreak set in. 
   I started lightly bleeding on Wednesday morning. And I thought nothing of it. When a man and a woman come together that came happen if your pratner goes too deep and you're pregnant. Then Thursday it got heavier, and on Friday it was still flowing. I called the clinic on base and told them that I was three weeks late and I was bleeding. I informed them that I thought I was having a miscarriage. The nurse told me to go to the ER. I didn't go. I wanted to see if it got worse or lightened up. Well now it's Saturday and still no good news. Richard and I are taking this pretty hard/well. We have moments where it's overwhelming. See we both had agreed to no more children. I secretly wouldn't have minded one more Allen child running around. But Richard was dead set against it. Matter of fact it took him a couple of weeks to accept the news. And now that the opportunity may be gone he's devastated. I do believe that children have a sixth sense about these things though. Yesterday I had a conversation with my son. It went something like this, "Seamus how many babies are in mommy's tunnmy?" "Two mommy." "What are they?" "One is a boy and one is a girl. The girl is freaking out and the boy is happy". I typically don't put much stock in what a four year old says unless he's hurt, but for some reason I did. Maybe it was because I didn't want to lose another baby. And I was desperate to hold onto any sense of life the baby had. Only God knows. 

  Now we're focusing on the children that we haven't lost. Seamus, Lylian and Maddalaena. They are so precious and knowing that God gave them to us, alive, is so fulfilling. Watching them grow and explore their world is such a blessing. I love them and my husband and I are much better knowing them and having them.

Friday, August 20, 2010

date with the wizard emerald green dress - $52.99 :, Vintage Inspired Clothing, Affordable Clothes, Eco friendly Fashion

I happened upon this dress while searching the internet for some cute affordable romantic dress'. My good friend Aimee Pawluk inspired me to do so. Thank you Aimme! From the rich green material to the pleating to the cream sash just called out to me! I love this dress!! And I paired the dress with a pair of heels from link soon to come). I thought the pairing was romantic with a little bit of chic!

Here's the link to the shoes!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Soccer Stud

My little man. Wait he would hate it if I called him that. My soccer stud, much better. We recently enrolled Seamus into Munchkins soccer through Dolphin Sports and Rec. So far he loves i. He's really good and enthusiastic. Seamus loves the fact that he can run and kick a ball and also score a goal. I brings such great joy to my heart knowing that my son( my only for for now anyways) is thriving in an enriching environment. He is a really good forward. He's able to dribble the ball with control and score a goal fluidly. He's learning how to be a defender. Going after the ball and such.

Today they learned how to kick the ball with the inside of their foot and how to take the ball away from the forward. All in all it was a fun and productive practice. First game is the second Saturday of September at 9 am. Location to be announced!!
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Seamus as goalie

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Exponentially beautiful

These ladies and gents are my three famously adorable children. From left: Lylian Rose, Maddalaena Jacqueline and Seamus Wylliam. These people are my life but not without my husband, Richard. They all bring such joy and warmth to my life. I describe it as I feel I'm in autumn. It's my favorite time of the year. Warm cider, apple pie and Thanksgiving just to name a few things that make me warm on the inside. It's a amazing to know that God has blessed us with these angels. And soon another Allen will grace us with "his" presence.
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